Issues found with ceramic paint protection

Some of the new car ceramic paint protection issues we have found during the many years of experience using a variety of different styles of paint protection coatings. One of the few question that many clients want to know but many are worried to offer the answers to.

So we are all aware of all the benefits and positives of having a car treated with a coating but what are some of the problems or negative aspects that can come with a ceramic coatings?

At Melbourne Mobile Detailing (MMD) transparency and honesty is everything, I have been in business for over 10 years now and the last 5 years have only specialised in ceramic coatings while aiming for a 5 star service from start to finish. SO are ceramic coatings an invisible force field, that is bullet proof, scratch proof and no matter what happens will never be affected? Absolutely not!!! Sadly this industry has been over exaggerated and many distributors have promised the world only to come short when it comes to warranty issues and all for a quick dollar while ruining the industry for many genuine applicators

Although what you will find is that most problems related to ceramic coatings can be rectified by having a professional authorised applicator that makes you aware of these possible issues, educates you on how to prevent them, and explains why they exist. Education is key and once explained properly then it becomes a lot easier to understand the how, what and where these issues may arise from.

I choose to use Autotriz nano ceramic paint protection for many reasons and as you continue to read this blog you will start to understand why a genuine, independently tested product that comes with a genuine warranty is beneficial for the applicator and the client


Issue #1: The upfront cost and weighing out the benefits.

Yes, ceramic coatings are expensive (Genuine coatings by a reputable brand are) and that upfront cost is difficult for many prospective clients to wrap their head around. $800 + for a 2 year coating? $1,000+ for a professional grade coating? But its a good idea to keep in mind that these prices include preparation and the cost of materails including the coating itself
I find the best way to break down this issue is with the following. How much lifetime value will the coating add to the vehicle? If the coating does what it says (and is guaranteed if you are purchasing from a certified applicator that offers a genuine warranty) and your vehicle looks very similar to the way it did when you first purchased it, the increase in overall value is going to easily surpass that up front cost of having the coating applied.

Either in resale or trade in value, simply the protection it self will cover the up front cost of the coating, not to mention the much reduced price of having a detailer or detail shop cut into your paint work, wax and seal the vehicle 2, 3, 4 times a year which in turn will minimise the paint thickness and cause more damage then good over a few years.

If you are paying $200 to have the vehicle waxed 3 times a year, in as little as two years you have recouped the cost of a professional grade coating, while receiving much better protection and not causing unecessary damage to your paint work

Issue #2: Water spotting/etching

Yes, ceramic coated vehicles can be susceptible to water spots, but so is every other type of vehicle. The key here is taking proper care to dry the vehicle, or if using automatic car washes, making sure they have a spot free rinse at the end of the wash.

Water spots occur when water is left to dry on the surface and as the water evaporates it leaves behind the minerals that were picked up in the water. These minerals are what makes up those pesky water spots and certainly ruin the look of your paint work over time

This is where I believe proper education is invaluable. If you were to perform a rinseless wash to the vehicle, the chance of water spots falls to none. Although it opens up another box of issues in itself and will leave that for another blog post

If you were to two bucket method to wash the vehicle, washing it in the morning or evening during hot months, then drying it completely, the chance of water spots is very minimal.

While this can be an issue, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Issue #3: Coating premature failure

Ouch, this is a scary one. I’m going to pay all of this money for this coating, and there is a possiblity it can fail on me? Yes, coatings can prematurely fail. That being said, in the hundreds of coatings I have applied, I have never had to reapply a professional grade coating. The only re applications I have done were on coatings that had got to the end of their life cycle (such as two year coatings).

So how does one prevent this? There are a couple of ways…

1. Use a reputable detailer that you trust, do your research online and have a look for their reviews, videos, comments and even call them as its easy to get a feel of how much passion the applicator has for his work after a few short minutes over the phone. Also be sure that your chosen applicator uses products that are trusted, independantly tested and proven over time, there have been a few shops starting to use their own in house coating making unrealistic claims and offering up to 4 or 5 layers of coating (Warning signs and many bells ring here). Most reasons people would hide the brand name they use and offer a different name would be cost cutting and not wanting the consumer to know the brand they currently use because of cost cutting methods or they use a coating that simply does not offer a warranty. The list can go on and on but its obvious why this can be a dodgy practice. A good detailer will not only stand behind his or her work, but will be completely transparent about the products and processes they use (Passionate applicators will not relabel a cheap and cheerful coating to try and rip off their customers with the unkown). There will be no mystery or subterfuge involved, you will be completely informed about what you are purchasing, the brand offered, how it works, how the process works, and your responsibilities once the product is applied.

We choose to use Autotriz nano ceramic paint protection in Melbourne

2. Use a detailer that offers a warranty or guarantee on the coatings they sell. Not only a workmanship guarantee but also a fully backed warranty by the manufacturer of the coating they choose to use. While there are often requirements in order to keep or uphold a warranty, it does provide peace of mind to the consumer that is something goes wrong with the product or service provided, they will not be responsible for paying to fix it later on. While warranties are not always 100% guaranteed protection against risk, they do offer you a “second layer” of defense when combined with a professional detailer that conducts him or herself with the highest level of integrity.

Hopefully this article will shine some light onto you about the issues that can come with ceramic coatings. In my opinion as a professional, the long term benefits to your vehicle far outweigh the risks, especially considering a majority of the risk comes from the detailer hired to apply the coating, not the product brand itself.

Paint protection frequently asked questions

George Bayios
Melbourne Mobile Detailing
0421 943 227
Melbourne mobile detailing and paint protection

new car paint protection

Cost of new car paint protection in Melbourne

How much does paint protection cost in Melbourne?

Many are obsessed at the price of paint protection for their new car before asking critical questions like – Product being used? Preparation involved? Who is applying my coating? And most importantly what benefits can I expect

We believe the benefits out way the initial paint protection cost dramatically! A vehicle that is not protected from the elements depreciates much quicker then a vehicle that is protected and will look cleaner, shinier for.

Car cleaning detailing protection, Best Paint Protection For New Cars

Environmental fallout, bird/bat droppings, acid rain and everything else the world will throw at your paint work will cause havoc and soon enough your beautiful new cars paint work will become and look weathered.

What we charge might not be the same as what others might charge but please consider the options and compare apples with apples

Compare apples with apples when it comes to paint protection options

We choose to use German made ceramics manufactured by Autotriz, we perform the very best paint preparation and we also choose to not skip any corners, resulting in a high gloss super smooth finish and the product being applied properly.

Many applicators quote on the vehicles make and cars value, we choose to price our jobs on the amount of work required and the size of the vehicle which will give us a clear understanding of how much product will be used.  Prices starts at $990 inc GST and approx time needed per vehicle is 6 – 7 hrs

On top of the necessary paint decontamination most new cars will only need a single stage paint correction and paint sterilisation before a ceramic coating can be applied to the exterior surfaces, although some new cars may require a dual stage paint correction.

Vehicles coming from overseas do have fall out that needs to be removed through a clay

In rare occurrences there is a need for a triple stage paint correction and this is mainly used for paint work that is full of deep scratches, paint fading, spider webbing and swirl marks.

What are the benefits of a nano ceramic paint protection

Coatings are great and can protects against the following:

  • Colour fading
  • Acid rain
  • Tree sap
  • Oxidation
  • Bug splatter
  • Brid droppings
  • Road grime
  • Harmful UV rays
  • Corrosion
  • Hard water staining
  • Lights scratches

Written by George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing 0421943227

Click here to contact Melbourne Mobile Detailing and Paint Protection 

Ceramic coatings, paint protection questions

Your paint protection questions – Answered

What are your paint protection choices?

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing and Paint Protection and on a daily basis I get asked a lot of questions regarding ceramic coatings. So I thought it would be a great idea to share some of my opinions and thoughts for people to gain a better understanding of what to expect and not to expect from a coating. Hopefully  you will gain enough knowledge to help during the selection of which product and installer is right for their needs

What is 9H scratch resistance?

We have all heard of these terms thrown around “Improved scratch resistance” Or “9H hardness” but what do they really mean?

Well basically there’s an abrasion test in which pencils of different hardness (1 being the softest and 9 being the hardest) are used to grade how susceptible a surface is to scratching. They use these pencils to scratch the surface to measure how resistant it is to damage.

To give you a better understanding most automotive clear coats have been rated at a hardness or scratch resistance level of 4-6, which in theory (depending on multiple variations) means that they will resist scratching up to the hardness of that particular pencil number.

In the other hand many ceramic coatings claim improved hardness levels of up to and sometimes exceeding 9, or 9H pencil strength. This does not mean the surface wont scratch nor will it be bullet proof all this means is that that a certain pencil strength will and in the perfect conditions will not scratch it.

In the real world if you put your coke can on your bonnet and it slides off – it will more then likely scratch your ceramic coating, which is where the protection factor comes into it as you would prefer to scratch your ceramic coating then scratch your clear coat which in some cases cannot be repaired other than a respray of the affected panel.

Bullet proof coating stone chip resistance?

A straight up wobbly! There is some resistance to stone chips but not a tested measurable one from a ceramic coating stating it will stop stone chips and I personally have not seen any manufacturer post any proof by way of independent testing. Some stones are razor sharp and if one hits your car at 100km/hr which sometimes causes enough damage to crack your windscreen or dent your bumper how will it not chip your paintwork?

YouTube player

Chemical resistant paint protection

Another common term is “Improved chemical resistance” now having a coating will certainly offer a much greater resistance to an almost nonexistent chemical resistance of clear coats. Take for example bird droppings and how quickly they can leave a nice little etch or even worse burn through your clear coat and remove a nice chunk of paint

This claim is true and most ceramic coatings will not allow chemicals to penetrate through and damage your clear coat. But once again, they are not bullet proof. If you’re going to allow bird droppings to sit on your car for weeks because you have a ceramic coating – you might be in for a little surprise

Are their really self healing coatings?

Yes there is some truth to this and as time goes on so does technology improve. Ceramic coatings have shown to self repair themselves on a very minor scale and normally under extreme heat. Don’t think that a scratch will just disappear instantly and in most cases the scratch can be too deep to repair itself

Thermoplastic polymers differ from thermosetting polymers in that they can be re melted and remolded. Many thermoplastic materials are addition polymers; e.g., vinyl chain-growth polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene

There are a few differing polymers used in detailing paint coatings although these have been designed originally to maintain their elasticity and move with the substrate they are applied to

a) Thermoplastic polymers may be reshaped by heating the surface, this type of polymer is used in ‘self-healing’ products although can only be heated and cured only a few times

b) Thermosetting polymer (thermoset) is a polymer that is irreversibly cured from a viscous liquid prepolymer or resin. The process of curing changes the resin into an infusible, insoluble polymer network, and is induced by the action of heat or by mixing with a catalyst.

Once hardened a thermoset resin cannot be reheated and melted to be shaped differently.

Paint protection warranties

Many coatings boast warranties from 2-5 years.. Some even claim lifetime if you apply an obscene amount of layers or if you pay for annual inspections. First off, if an installer is using the words “lifetime warranty” make sure you get it in writing and thoroughly read through the fine print which will indicate the requirements of maintaining that warranty.

If you have nothing in writing, then you have nothing, sorry but it needs to be said. Many warranties will require periodic check ups, or applications of booster products, which will be at your expense. Missed a quarterly check up? WARRANTY VOIDED! And then there’s those pesky denial of claims due to improper maintenance. They can always turn around and claim you did not maintain it properly and the warranty is now voided. My best advice is to choose an installer that is open and happy to explain the application process and how these coatings work but is also willing to offer ongoing support and can also maintain the coating for you, that way they have to stand by their product and for the most part will not blame you for improper care.

I find it important to note that you should choose a product and installer who applies a coating that does not require the application of booster products, if you really think about it. How permanent can it be if you need to re-apply product periodically? Just some food for thought.

We choose to use Autotriz nano ceramic paint protection for new cars

Never need to wax your car again!

This is true, the ceramic coatings are like waxes and sealants on steroids. There is usually no need to wax or seal over unless you just want to. The ceramic coatings will do just about everything better than a wax or a sealant can, and for longer. There are some ceramic coatings that require a re-application of a booster product on a periodic basis, these are usually part of the requirements for maintaining the warranty.

How much should I pay for paint protection?

Ceramic coatings are fairly expensive compared to waxes and sealants mostly because they require surgical prep work in order to bond and cure properly. This process can be time consuming and very tedious.

You can generally judge the quality of the installer by the prices they charge for their service. The less expensive the service is, the higher the chance that there will be cut corners in prepping your vehicle for coating. Although this is not universal, there are many high quality installers who offer lower prices depending on the season and how busy they are at the time of booking.

Always do your research, not only on the installer but on the product they are using. Online reviews can help you better understand the quality of the installer. Product review, Facebook, and Google all have business review section

Is an applicator offering you a ridiculous amount of layers? Walk away!

Are they telling you they need to spend 3 days on your brand new car and an abundance amount of hours just so they can charge you extra? Walk away! …

Its easy to gauge, if you really listen to what you are being told

Is a ceramic coating the right choice for me?

Everyone who owns a vehicle that they care about and want to maintain should have a professional installer apply a ceramic coating.

It may not be affordable to everyone, but we all could use this type of protection.

Having a ceramic coating applied should be a commitment on your end to break the bad habits of improper care and to educate yourself on how best to keep the coating in tip top shape.

Your installer should be able to give you all the advice you need on proper maintenance, and which products and techniques are best to use to clean it.

Who is Melbourne mobile detailing?

Why choose Melbourne mobile detailing and paint protection?

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is George and I am small part of the group we are widely known as MMD (Melbourne Mobile Detailing), I have been a car detailer for approximately 15 years and the last 10 years have personally dedicated myself to specialize in aftermarket new car nano ceramic paint protection while my associates help out with generalized detailing and I offer training and support for multiple dealerships across Melbourne

Melbourne Mobile Detailing and paint protection enjoys touching base with our readers and always keep them up to date with what we can offer and what the future holds regarding advancements in coatings and especially any great news for nano ceramic paint protection and films. The paint protection we choose to use is a thermoplastic urethane base widely used on vulnerable painted automotive surfaces and other areas we prefer to use film such as front bumpers, hoods, side mirrors, door handle cavities and door edges. This method can offer superior protection of the car paint from stone chips, bug splatters, and minor abrasions.

Believe it or not we have many of our friends who ask us virtually every second day if we can coat their jet skies, boats, RV’s, cell phones, TV screens, and other various electronics… The answer is YES!!!  We can 🙂

Majority of the western world, America and Europe have been conventionally the largest consumers of nano ceramic paint protection films. However, rapid expansion economic development, particularly in China, has shifted the balance, thus Asia Pacific is anticipated to emerge as the leading market over the forecast period. The shift of automotive manufacturing to countries such as China, India, and Thailand has contributed towards the regional industry’s growth and Australia seems to be at the forefront of this movement. Who better to use when you need such services then the best in the industry dealing with the very best products by Autotriz – innovative surface creation

Paint protection can offer protection to car paint from sand, road debris, bug acids and other harsh conditions that may damage your new car finish. These protective methods are made tough, transparent and conformable for long-term durability and extreme gloss while offering the advantage that it can treat any painted surface.

A great benefit of such products is it enables your vehicles lines and colour brilliance to show through without compromising the appearance, increasing pride of ownership and overall getting the very best return when its time to trade in for a newer model. The high-performance and extreme durability of these products ensures excellent adhesion to paint, yet is removable if required by specialist tools. Paint protection features are similar to a clear coat although is far more harder, glossier and offers the added bonus of ultraviolet (UV) protection that counteracts harmful UV rays and resists oxidization/aging.

You can be assured that paint protection maintains your car’s high-gloss look with minimal care, while helping to keep it’s looking better for longer time.​ ​

How is the paint protection market growing?​

The global paint protection market is expected to reach USD 1.49 billion by 2022 (This information was based on a quick google search and a few guestimates from others in online forums). The growth of the automotive industry coupled with rising consumer awareness regarding car protection is expected to remain key factors driving the market growth for this specific industry

Global paint protection market size was valued at USD 863.8 million in 2014. Rapidly expanding automotive industry particularly in emerging economies of Asia Pacific and Latin America is expected to remain a key driving factor for the global paint protection market.

 Why Melbourne mobile detailing and paint protection?​

MMD offers the very best options from Autotriz paint protection film. Not only are Autotriz products made in Germany but they are the pack leader in chemical advancements offering the very best combination for durability and clarity not previously available in the market.

Should I buy paint protection for my new car?

Purchased a new car now looking for paint protection in Melbourne?

Hello my name is George from Melbourne mobile detailing and after many years of specializing in aftermarket car paint protection and answering many questions on the topic I have decided to write up a little blog of the most common questions I get asked virtually every second day

I’m so confused.. Should I get paint protection and what’s the difference from all of the ones available?

Hard to believe but hundreds of cars, trucks and marine equipment are sold and delivered across Melbourne each and every week. During the purchasing and waiting for delivery process, prospective buyers and recipients of their new cars often are presented with some dilemmas and questions:

Some of these questions are as follows and we have tried to answer them the most honest and best way we could

Q – “What Is Paint Protection?

Paint protection is a loosely defined term that can easily be misused. Technically any sort of wax, sealant or spray that provides even a minor enhancement and minimal protection from the elements can be classed as a paint protection. This creates genuine confusion to the unknown and the more you inquire, the more it can get confusing and daunting offering misinterpreted idea of what paint protection really is.

Genuine ceramic protection is what professional detailers refer to as paint protection. Once the paint work has been decontaminated and corrected only then is when these high grade products can be applied offering a superficial layer that’s resistance to acid and alkaline attacks, water repellent, self cleaning and extremely scratch resistant. The advancing technology in this area has seen many great improvements in recent years and it just seems to be getting better each and every year

Q – “Should I get Paint Protection for the car? And if I do, which product do I choose? where do I find it? Who can I trust to install it properly? Should I consider the dealerships protection packages? There are so many options, where do I find the right answers?”

New car owners often get no information regarding the product to be applied on their cars or they find themselves bombarded by various paint protection options with too much information and having to filter through the various claims, we’ve decided to try and help by providing some information and removing some of the hype and myths along the way.

For many people we believe the words paint protection, teflon, ceramic, nano, diamond infused or coating is completely foreign and has little to no meaning. The dealership will be offering their own products meanwhile many paint protection specialists around Melbourne use a variety of products and each will believe theirs is the best and for various reasons. After a few phone calls or online inquiries you will have a handful of information to filter through and this can be extremely overwhelming

Please keep in mind that not all products are the same and every product out there has its pro’s and con’s. In order to understand the depth of this topic lets break it down to 2 easy methods of approach PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene, a synthetic sealant or in lamens terms Teflon or wax) and Glass, Quartz, Ceramics AKA coatings (Generally made up of nano particles derived from SIO2 Silica).

In Melbourne, majority of dealerships and possibly many car cleaners and detailers are using what we call (Synthetic Sealants) PTFE as their form of paint protection as it is cheap, quick and easy to use and looks great with a durability of a few months. Find out more about Synthetic Sealants, PTFE, Teflon paint protection here

Most synthetic sealants will be labelled with keywords like ‘PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) or polymer (resin compounds)’ and these are very important when it comes down to knowing, what type of protection is expected and longevity that can be offered by these products. Synthetic sealants and polymers are fantastic at what they were designed to do with the expectation to resist environmental elements for around 6-9 months. A fantastic improvement compared to waxes which can last anywhere from a few weeks to 3 months although just like waxes, these sealants and polymers are not resistant to chemical etching, salt water, UV light and offer very little resistance to scratching  and marring of the paint work. Ahead of its time and great when first released but sadly this technology is outdated and still used by many people in the aftermarket paint protection industry


Q – “The dealership or detailer is offering me a lifetime warranty? I’m so confused”

Just like every important aspect in life, always be sure to read the fine print as many of these warranties will have conditions like – The use of our own branded car wash is required, vehicle must be maintained on a regular basis, yearly reapplication or inspection is required and the list goes on, any clauses in these warranties are so broad and virtually offer no warranty or peace of mind to the consumer but it is more about protecting the product brand and the manufacturer. Please note it’s very important to realize that the lifetime warranty does not in any shape or fashion correlate to the lifespan of the product. These are two very different categories. If the product does not last longer than 3-5 years, it will likely require reapplication annually.

Potential buyers receiving this style of product should question the warranty and the product heavily. In simple terms “stay away from a PTFE or sealant that offers a lifetime warranty”

The solution to the unrealistic lifespan of synthetic sealants has come in the form of what we know them of as “coatings” and can be made up of different technologies including – liquid glass, SiO2, ceramic and quartz. Don’t loose track and start getting confused, they are all very similar with subtle differences and offer slight advantages to each other regardless of branding or labels. Most popular brands are fantastic and are superior in all forms versus the synthetic sealants being offered as a DIY paint protection.

There is also a handful of lesser known coatings available as well which are fantastic at what they do and offer a realistic approach and warranty terms compared to some over hyped popular brands out there

Q – “Do I really need paint protection?”

A high quality aftermarket ceramic paint protection applied by a professional detailer is a great investment. New age paint is thinner and less resistant to damage than ever before and I personally believe it is necessary to have a superficial layer offering protection to the elements and keeping your car cleaning for longer.

Q –  “Paint protection is a scam, you don’t need it, if it was so important then why don’t car manufactures have it applied before they deliver the car?”

The paint protection market is lucrative industry for manufactures and suppliers. Whenever there is a market where people get easily confused and do not fully understand the product, you will find what I call “sharks” in other words “scammers”.

As mentioned above the paint protection industry is full of hype and marketing claims that simply aren’t true. From lifetime warranties on PTFE sealants to 99H nuclear resistant super tough and bullet proof coatings. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines

A lifetime of protection or a coating that is resistant to bullets or bricks being thrown at it, surely the “BS” bell rings loudly here.

In truth car manufacturers are price conscious and already apply a sealant to the paint work prior to delivery. Ceramic coatings can be ultra expensive and simply put, having this applied on every delivered vehicle not only will be a very time consuming effort but will also blow the budget. So it is your responsibility on how you want to maintain your vehicle for the long term.

Overall there will always be conflicting information on car paint protection, but the simple truth is a high quality coating will really protect your car for 5 years plus depending on how you maintain and look after the coating itself. Nothing man made lasts a lifetime and paint protection is not exempt from this rule, coatings will go down their own path in life slowly and gradually deteriorating just like everything else around us does.

You should not buy a particular product based on its warranty but more look for results achieved and go with the one you like the most.

The actual benefits of a properly applied paint protection is simply awesome and it’s a shame the market has been saturated with ridiculous claims that have done no one any good other then tarnish the industry and led people to believe it is just another over exaggerated hype that will eventually disappear .

So why would anyone consider a protective coating and what really are the benefits for your car?

  1. Protection against environmental contaminants, atmosphere fallout, bird droppings, extended UV exposure etc…

Although your factory clear coat protects the underlying pigment fantastically from harmful environmental impacts, the paint underneath is actually quite soft and susceptible to acid and alkaline attacks.

You’re probably aware of the risks of leaving bird and bat droppings on your paint. Factory paint is actually weak at resisting chemical attacks from bird droppings, bat droppings, bug splatter and acid rain. A ceramic paint protection is much better at protecting against these attacks and can save you thousands in repainting costs in the future.

  1. Ease of vehicle upkeep, self cleaning effects and less time spent cleaning

Factory paint on new cars can quickly become flat and attract dirt once the protective layer dissipates, this can be either a cheap simple wax or sealant. A ceramic coating will not simply fall off after a few months and actually adds a barrier that repels dirt, water and road grime sticking to the surface of your car thus helping the vehicle stay clean longer. Keep in mind another great advantage of a ceramic barrier it helps reduce the friction between dirt and the paint not only offering a cleaner surface for longer but a greatly reduced chance of scratches (aka swirl marks) and micro marring from any future washing processes.

In conclusion and to recap on everything mentioned above

Car paint protection has found itself under the spotlight time and time again, with as much good publicity as bad. I frequently hear horror stories from customers that purchased the product that offered them the world and was a few hundred dollars cheaper, after only a few short months the paint looks flat and the water behaviour isn’t beading at all. The story often starts with an attractive after sales agent right after the handshake of a new car or searching for an aftermarket paint protection product that is cheaper and offering the world of benefits.

The sad reality is paint protection isn’t made equal and although they technically added a layer of “protection”, that layer can either be an easy-to-apply synthetic wax that provides as much protection as a decent bottle of wax found on the shelves of your local auto store or it could be a ceramic coating which will offer you years of protection. The end choice is yours to make and an educated decision is what you really want to make

Regardless if you are buying a new Porsche worth over $250,000 or a Kia valued at $20,000 the protection doesn’t discriminate and offers the same benefit to either vehicle.

Please note I’m not suggesting that all dealerships or car cleaners are slapping on a coat of the finest turtle wax on your car and charging you thousands for the privilege. I personally cover a lot of training and offer aftermarket support to many dealerships around Melbourne who choose to not simply apply a wax or sealant but actually want to offer a proper coating to their clients

Melbourne Mobile Detailing is endlessly trying out new products and proven to be at the forefront of nano ceramic paint protection in Melbourne offering only the highest grade of products. We choose to offer these products not just because of the high grade  of chemicals they offer but also because the Australian distributors stand behind their product range 100% and won’t look for excuses every time there might be an issue. What this means to the consumer is that we can offer them what we believe is the highest grade of protection with outstanding after care support and knowing that if there ever is an issue that we are all in it together to find the cause, rectify the situation and brainstorm on how we can stop this issue from happening again in the future

For more great write ups or honest down to earth advice feel free to contact myself directly George 0421943227 or email us at [email protected]

Visit our website and be sure to follow us on facebook, instagram, youtube and twitter for inspiration

Holden SS with Autotriz paint protection

 Holden SS LS3, the final chapter with Autotriz paint protection

Photos were taken after the application of Autotriz ceramic coating by Melbourne Mobile Detailing

The commitment to keep this iconic car exciting and relevant with its 304kW 6.2-litre V8 taking centre stage in its VF Series II range Autotriz paint protection

Get it done right the first time. Why choose an inferior product?


This is the Holden SS LS3 dressed in white wearing a coat of arms like no other – The best new car paint protection of choice. The Aussie made commodore goes out with a high powered BANG and now protected against the elements using the most refined paint protection available

Read more about the range of new car coatings we choose to use 

Holden has saved its best for last going out with its very last build offering a more powerful 6.2-litre LS3 V8 engine

Never before has a Commodore been so aware of its surroundings; and so in tune with the driver. This is a whole new world for both the Holden consumer and Holden manufacturing

With a new 6.2L LS3 engine, complete with BiModal exhaust and Mechanical Sound Enhancer, this powerful engine offers exceptional performance and towing capabilities churning out 304kW of raw power and 570Nm of torque.

The final chapter in the Holden Commodore story is more than just the fastest and most powerful its 37 year history

When choosing the very best new car paint protection for your vehicle be sure to do your research and trust your applicator as preparation is key and required to be done right

new car paint protection

Autotriz silica content – Get it done right the first time

Mercedes C250 with the application of Cquartz Finest paint protection in Melbourne

Mercedes C250 with CQuartz Finest Paint Protection – This changes everything

The best knows no alternative and this is the best in every format… Welcome to the Mercedes C250

The Mercedes C250 is even more refined with the application of Cquartz Finest paint protection in Melbourne

Get it done right the first time – Choose Cquartz Finest

Work and photos was performed and taken by George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing and Paint Protection Melbourne

Enjoy the happy snaps 🙂

A saloon which embodies refined sportiness with its design idiom, with its flowing, precise lines and generosity new scope, which offers your wishes more freedom. Set new standards, experience inimitable refinement.

The C-Class, this is the C250 … Welcome to a whole new level of refinement

The best knows no alternative and this is the best in every format

The C-Class Sedan has grown appreciably elegant in every way all while its organic styling clearly setting itself apart from its predecessor. The varied interplay between lines, edges, convex and concave surfaces creates vibrant and exciting contrasts across the entire vehicle.

The best knows no alternative and this is the best in every aspect… The Mercedes C250 requires no introduction
Stunning German engineering even more refined wearing a coat of arms by Cquartz Finest – When passion, meeets perfection

Cquartz Finest paint protection was applied by George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing, where passion meets perfection

Email – [email protected]

Phone – 0421 943 227 (George)

Website – or click here –> Paint protection melbourne


Mercedes AMG A45 with Autotriz paint protection

This is the Mercedes AMG A45 – One man, One engine – Autotriz

Now even more refined while wearing a coat of arms by Autotriz paint protection and Melbourne Mobile Detailing

The world’s most powerful compact performance car. This is the Mercedes AMG A45 – One man, One engine Autotriz ceramic coating

The Mercedes AMG A45 opens up a new dimension in vehicle dynamics. With a stunning power output of 280kW and 475Nm of torque all from a handcrafted Mercedes 2Ltr AMG engine

Mercedes A45

The following photos were taken by George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing after the application of  ceramic paint protection

With the application of the finest paint protection – The worlds most exclusive paint protection and only available by a selected handful of applicators…

Features – This is what makes Autotriz a cut above the rest:
Stays clean and glossy for longer than other products because of how the product cross links and offers such an extreme water contact angle
Harder surface: Resistance to fine swirls and marring
Self-cleaning effect – Low sliding angle ensure fewer droplets left on surface
Resistance to break dust and iron contaminants
Resistance to bugs, tar, and bird bombs
Resistance to UV and other environmental contaminants

Autotriz is the only coating to offer the following specifications:
Water contact angle: 100~110°
Sliding angle: 15~25°
Thickness: 2~3µm
Heat resistance: Beyond 575° F
Increased hardness: up to 2 (mohs scale) beyond original surface

It has developed a reputation among professionals as the richest, deepest, highest gloss coating available anywhere.

Stays Cleaner:
Anyone with a dark colored car has seen first hand the dust collect in a matter of minutes and stick to the traditional wax or sealant they have on the surface. Finest does away with this issue. While dust may still land on the surface over time it will literally blow right off the paint next time you go for a spin or a night out on the town.

Resistance to Brake Dust and Iron Particles:
Without Finest, metal particles coming off the brakes of other vehicles can lodge in your paint causing damage over time. Autotriz puts an end to this with a thick barrier that does not allow these contaminants to reach the paint surface.

One of the most important features in keeping your vehicle clean is the ability of the protective layer to release water. Autotriz features a low sliding angle which allows water drops to release easily.

Fine Swirl Resistance:
Has been proven to resist fine swirls when cared for as directed.
Autotriz is one of the most exclusive coating available in the world

Unlike most coatings, Autotriz cannot be purchased on the open market and is installed by only authorized installers who have honed their skills so they may polish your paint to the highest level before protecting it with the
Finest coating.

Ford Mustang wearing Cquartz finest paint protection in Melbourne Paint Protection Melbourne image 34

BMW M4 with Autotriz paint protection

BMW with Autotriz paint protection in Melbourne

One with the Machine – The BMW M4 is ready to enter the ring, in one corner the laws of physics and in the other is the impossible made possible.

Putting the brakes and bending the boundaries of physics using a combination of Carbon, Aluminium and Adrenalin – This is the BMW M4

The following photos are after the application of Autotriz paint protection – When seeing is believing !!!

A coupe with so much more, offering a record breaking light weight complete kit of under 1,500 kg, the BMW M4 Coupé makes its intentions clear, it’s here to make the impossible possible. A coupe with a reinforced carbon fibre roof, offering a minimum 5kg saving on its own, along with a liberal use of the lightweight material throughout the body.

BMW M4 Coupé – Making the impossible, possible… A driving character that unites man and machine like never before

For the best new car paint protection

Equipped with the brand new 317 kW M Twin Power Turbo straight 6-cylinder engine with 7-speed M double-clutch transmission and precision tools like the M Servotronic, Active M differential and Adaptive M suspension, this vehicle is now ready to enter the ring. In one corner is the laws of physics and the other a machine that has made the impossible, possible.

Want to learn more about the best paint protection for your new car?

A driving character that unites man and machine like never before.

This is Autotriz paint protection by George Contact Melbourne Mobile Detailing

Autotriz paint protection in Melbourne

We choose to use Autotriz ceramic coatings because they are made in Germany, offer outstanding durability and no other brand we have used in the past comes close to its high gloss feel and scratch resistance

Subaru new car paint protection

Subaru new car paint protection

What is the best new car paint protection for Subaru vehicles in Melbourne

Photos and video was taken after the application and performed by George from Melbourne Mobile Detailing

Introducing the Subaru WRX. One relentlessly performance-driven philosophy.
Raw power. Total control. Sleek sophistication. WRX raise the bar on pure driving enjoyment.

We choose to use Autotriz nano ceramic. The best paint protection for your new car

The following video was taken after the application of Autotriz nano ceramic new car paint protection in Melbourne. The reason why we choose this style of coating is we have found that it exceeds the durability of many other products on the market and offers a super glossy hydrophobic finish that is simply unmatched

Offering exhilarating performance and urban sophistication in equal measures, the Subaru WRX delivers a driving experience you won’t want to end
The Subaru WRX is a beast on 4 wheels that was recently awarded the Best Performance Car Under $100K.

Offering this high quality product on subaru is virtually a no brainer as you want to apply the very best product and have it applied by a professional detailer who is an authorised applicator

It brings together grace, control and astounding power in one iconic package. From its adrenalin pumping 221kW of power and 407Nm of torque to its gravel-gripping low centre of gravity, WRX screams performance.

Curious on what issues paint protection can have if not applied properly?

But just quietly, never before has WRX been so sophisticated.
Fans of raw power may salivate. The Subaru WRX boast their most sophisticated technology, comfort and safety features yet.

When seeing is believing – Professional ceramic coatings
